
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Restaurants and Bars


Do you take reservations?
Yes, most of our restaurants take reservations. We recommend that you make a reservation if you already know the date and time of your visit. Online reservations are also available at some of our restaurants.
Please note that reservations are not available depending on the restaurant or time of day.
Do your restaurants have dress codes?
The following restaurants have dress codes.
Keyaki (Teppan Grill) & SAKURA (French Cuisine): No shorts, flip-flops, or similarly casual attire
Do you have gift certificates/vouchers?
Two types of vouchers (Lunch Voucher: JPY 6,000, Dinner Voucher: JPY 15,000) are available, valid at the following restaurants at Hotel New Otani Osaka, and at other New Otani group hotels:
  • SAKURA (French Cuisine)
  • Keyaki (Teppan Grill)
  • TAIKAN EN (Chinese Cuisine)
The dining vouchers can be purchased at the Concierge Desk.
What is the parking fee for dining at your restaurants?
The normal parking fee is JPY 500/30 min. Parking vouchers will be issued depending on the amount you spent.


Which of your restaurants serve breakfast?
Breakfast is available at SATSUKI (buffet breakfast) on the 1st floor from 7:00am to 10:00am, or through Room Service.
Do you take reservations for breakfast?
For staying guests:
The restaurant does not take breakfast reservations. However, reservations can be made for breakfast through Room Service.
Available hours: 6:00am-10:00am
Available menus:
Continental Breakfast: JPY 2,500
American Breakfast: JPY 4,200
Healthy Breakfast: JPY 3,500
Japanese Breakfast: JPY 4,200

Non-hotel guests:
We regret that breakfast reservations are not available, and guests are shown to their tables on a first-come-first-served basis.
Can non-hotel guests have breakfast at your restaurant?
Yes, breakfast at SATSUKI is available to hotel guests and visitors alike.

Dining with Children

Do your restaurants have age restrictions?
The following restaurants have age restrictions.
  • SAKURA (French Cuisine): 6 years or older (excluding the private rooms)
  • Keyaki (Teppan Grill): 6 years or older (excluding the private room)
  • Mikan (Kushi & Wine): 6 years or older

Food Allergies and Restrictions

Can you accommodate food allergies or special food restrictions?
As it is our wish to offer the best dining experience to all of our guests, we are willing to make as much effort as possible in meeting the requirements of guests with food allergies or restrictions. Please consult us in advance so that we can understand your conditions and address them properly.
Can your restaurant cater to vegans, vegetarians, or those observing a halal diet?
Some restaurants are able to accommodate such restrictions, to varying degrees. Please consult us in advance.


At which of your restaurants can I smoke?
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of our restaurants.
Designated smoking areas are located as follows:
  • To the right side of the entrance on the 2nd floor
  • In front of banquet room New York Swan, near the elevators on the 2nd floor