Experienced babysitters will look after your child in your guestroom while you need to go out, etc.
- This service is intended for users of our hotel (guests staying at the hotel, dining at our restaurants, attending events held in our banquet rooms, etc.)
- For staying guests, the service will take place in the user's guestroom. For other users, a room will be booked for day-use for this purpose. (Additional charge required.)
Price: ¥5,500 per hour per child
Additional ¥1,100 and up per hour per child required during 10:00pm-9:00am
- Prices include tax.
- Reservations required by 5:00pm, 3 days before the day of use.
- A minimum of 2 hours is required for reservations.
- The hourly charge applies to uses shorter than one hour.
- Fees will be charged to your room. (A 10% surcharge applies.)
- Reservations are subject to availability.