Massage treatments are available in your guestroom.
Massage treatments are available in your guestroom.
11:00am - 2:00am
Reservations/inquiries from guestrooms: ext. #85
Body Massage: Improves blood circulation and soothes fatigue.
60 minutes | ¥9,500 |
90 minutes | ¥13,500 |
120 minutes | ¥17,500 |
Extension (15 minutes) | ¥2,000 |
Oil Massage: Boosts lymphatic circulation to aid deeper physical and mental relaxation.
60 minutes | ¥15,000 |
90 minutes | ¥22,000 |
120 minutes | ¥29,000 |
Extension (15 minutes) | ¥3,500 |
Stretching Massage: Enhances blood flow in fatigued muscles.
60 minutes | ¥10,000 |
90 minutes | ¥15,000 |
120 minutes | ¥20,000 |
Extension (15 minutes) | ¥2,500 |
Oil Foot Massage: Thorough oil treatment from below your knees to soles of your feet.
60 minutes | ¥10,000 |
90 minutes | ¥15,000 |
Extension (15 minutes) | ¥2,500 |
* All prices include tax.
* Please note that the above services are non-medical treatments intended to enhance relaxation.
* We regret that we may withhold the provision of service to intoxicated persons, expecting mothers, and other cases in which the therapist assesses that treatment cannot be administered appropriately or cannot guarantee the safety of the recipient.