Imperceptibly Sustainable
Imperceptibly Sustainable

Imperceptibly Sustainable

Hotel New Otani Tokyo, comprising 1,474 guest rooms, 37 restaurants, 33 banquet venues, over 50 shops, and a 10-acre Japanese Garden, aims to create a recycling-oriented society within the Kioicho area where it is located. Since our founding in 1964, we have been leading the industry in implementing environmental and social initiatives, being a responsible business that serves both our guests and the community in many ways.

For us, true hospitality cannot be achieved without ecological awareness. The experiences we offer are designed to minimize their environmental load, so that guests can also contribute to the environment and society through their choices.

By striking a balance between environmental friendliness and customer satisfaction, our endeavor as an "Imperceptibly Sustainable" hotel continues.

Hotel New Otani's "Imperceptibly Sustainable" Activities

  Our Efforts Movements in Society
1964 Hotel New Otani opens  
  Installment of wooden water tanks
Health & Safety
1991 Installment of greywater treatment plant and cogeneration system
Recycling Health & Safety
1993   Enactment of Basic Environment Law
1998   Enactment of Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
1999 Installment of compost plant
2000 Red Rose Garden opens
Issuance of Basic Act for the Promotion of the Recycling-Oriented Society
2001   Environment Agency upgraded to a ministry
2003 Biotope built
2005   Effectuation of Kyoto Protocol
2007 Refurbishment of The Main building  
   Installment of AEMS
Energy Saving
   Installment of eco-friendly glass
Energy Saving
   Installment of all-electric kitchen system
Energy Saving
   Additional rooftop gardens built
2009 Installment of groundwater treatment plant
2014 Nighttime illumination of the Japanese Garden with LED lights begins
2015   Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations
2020 Introduction of environment-friendly carbon-neutral city gas  
2030 Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals at Hotel New Otani Tokyo

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships

Hotel New Otani Tokyo embraces the following Sustainability Development Goals